Xu, J., Hou, I.-H. and Gautam, N. "Age of information for single buffer systems with vacation server" (submitted), 2020. arXiv
Diaz, N.O. and Gautam, N., "On Latency for Non-scheduled Traffic in TSN", Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM, 2020.
Rajan, S., Sundar, K., and Gautam, N., "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routing Problem for Patrolling Missions - A Progressive Hedging Algorithm" (submitted) 2020. pdf
Xu, J. and Gautam, N., "On Competitive Analysis for Polling Systems", Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 67, No. 6, 404-419, 2020. pdf
Xu, J. and Gautam, N., "Peak Age of Information in Priority Queueing Systems", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (revised and resubmitted), 2019. arXiv
Bassett, B. and Gautam, N., "The Effect of Adding Stops to a Delivery Route", Proc. of the IISE Annual Conference, 2019.
Rajan, S., Sundar, K., and Gautam, N., "Routing Problems for Reconnaissance Patrolling Missions", Proceedings of ICUAS Conference, 2019.
Ejaz, I., Alvarado, M., Gautam, N., Gebraeel, N. and Lawley, M., "Condition-Based Maintenance for Queues with Degrading Servers", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2019 (DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2019.2893870)
Xu, J., Tran, H., Gautam, N. and Bukkapatnam, S. "Joint Production and Maintenance Operations in Smart Custom-Manufacturing Systems", IISE Transactions, Vol. 51, No. 4, 406-421, 2019. pdf
Kwon, S., Ntaimo, L. and Gautam, N. "Demand Response in Data Centers: Integration of Server Provisioning and Power Procurement", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2018.2871125), 2019. pdf
Botcha, B., Wang, Z., Rajan, S., Gautam, N., Bukkapatnam, S., Korambath, P., Miller, S.S., Mathawar, A. and Schneider, D., "Implementing the Transformation of Discrete Part Manufacturing Systems into Smart Manufacturing Platforms", Proc. of the ASME MSEC Conference, 2018.
Bjorkqvist, M., Gautam, N., Birke, R., Chen, L.Y. and Binder, W. "Optimizing for Tail Sojourn Times of Cloud Clusters", IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Vol. 6, No. 1, 156-167, 2018. pdf
Kwon, S., Ntaimo, L. and Gautam, N. "Optimal Day-Ahead Power Procurement with Renewable Energy and Demand Response", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 32, No. 5, 3924-3933, 2017. pdf
Kwon, S., Xu, Y. and Gautam, N. "Meeting Inelastic Demand in Systems with Storage and Renewable Sources", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1619-1629, 2017. pdf
Kwon, S. and Gautam, N. "Time-Stable Performance in Parallel Queues with Non-Homogeneous and Multi-class Workloads", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 24, No. 3, 1322-1335, 2016. pdf
Gong, S., Duan, L. and Gautam, N. "Optimal Scheduling and Beamforming in Relay Networks with Energy Harvesting Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1226-1238, 2016.
Kwon, S. and Gautam, N. "Guaranteeing Performance based on Time-stability for Energy-efficient Data Centers", IIE Transactions, Vol. 48, No. 9, 812-825, 2016. pdf
Gautam, N. and Mohapatra, A. "Efficiently Operating Wireless Nodes Powered by Renewable Energy Sources", IEEE Journal of Special Areas in Communications, Vol. 33, No. 8, 1706-1716, 2015. pdf
Hsu, Y., Abedini, N., Gautam, N., Sprintson, A. and Shakkottai, S. "Opportunities for Network Coding: To Wait or Not to Wait", IEEE Transactions on Networking, Vol. 23, No. 6, 1876-1889, 2015. pdf
Chan, W.H.R., Zhang, P., Zhang, W., Nevat, I., Nagarajan, S. Valera, A.C., Tan, H.-X. and Gautam, N., "Adaptive Duty Cycling in Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting using CTMC and Fluid Models", IEEE Journal of Special Areas in Communications, Vol. 33, No. 12, 2687-2700, 2015. pdf
Ying, Y., Birke, R., Wang, C., Chen, L.Y. and Gautam, N. "On Energy-aware Allocation and Execution for Batch and Interactive MapReduce", ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 42, No. 4, 22-30, 2015. pdf
Ying, Y., Birke, R., Wang, C., Chen, L.Y. and Gautam, N. "Optimizing Energy, Locality and Priority in a MapReduce Cluster", Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Autonomic Computing (ICAC), 21-30, 2015.
Chan, W.H.R., Zhang, P., Zhang, W., Nevat, I., Valera, A.C., Tan, H.-X. and Gautam, N., "Adaptive Duty Cycling in Sensor Networks via Continuous Time Markov Chain Modelling", IEEE ICC 2015, 6669-6674, 2015. pdf Polansky, R., Sethuraman, S. and Gautam, N. "Obtaining Optimal Thresholds for Processors with Speed-Scaling", Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 310, 135-155, 2015. pdf
Eren, E.C., Dixit, R. and Gautam, N., Stochastic Modeling, Analysis and Predictions for Plant Microtubule Systems, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 71, No. 6-7, 1353-1385, 2015.
Mohapatra, A., Gautam, N., Sprintson, A. and Shakkottai, S. "Optimal Network Coding Decisions in Delay-sensitive Wireless Transmission", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 62, No. 8, 2965-2976, 2014. pdf
Ramaswamy, V., Reddy, V., Shakkottai, S., Sprintson, A. and Gautam, N. "Multipath Wireless Network Coding: A Population Game Perspective", IEEE Transactions on Networking, Vol. 22, No. 1, 217-229, 2014. pdf
Gautam, N., Xu, Y. and Bradley, J.T. "Meeting Inelastic Demand in Systems with Storage and Renewable Sources", Proc. of IEEE SmartGridComm, 2014. pdf
Ko, Y.-M. and Gautam, N., "Critically loaded multi-server queues with abandonments, retrials, and time-varying parameters", INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2013. pdf of main paper,
pdf of online supplement
Mohapatra, A., Gautam, N. and Gibson, R., "Combined Routing and Node Replacement in Energy-efficient Underwater Sensor Networks for Seismic Monitoring", IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 1, 80-90, 2013. pdf
Gallego, J., Ko, Y.M., Polansky, R., Perez, E., Ntaimo, L. and Gautam, N. "Integrating Virtualization, Speed Scaling and Powering On/Off Servers in Data Centers for Energy Efficiency", IIE Transactions, Vol. 45, No. 10, 1114-1136, 2013. pdf Gautam, N., "Analysis of Queues: Methods and Applications,"
802 pages, CRC Press (Taylor and Francis), Boca Raton, FL, 2012.
Click here for more information.
Gautam, N., "Quality of Service Metrics with Applications to Sensor Networks" Book Chapter in
Distributed Sensor Networks 2nd Edition (eds. S.S. Iyengar and
R.R. Brooks), 2012. pdf
Eren, E.C., Gautam, N. and Dixit, R., "Computer simulation and analytical studies of the noncentrosomal plant cortical microtubule cytoskeleton", Cytoskeleton, Vol. 69, No. 3, 144-154, 2012.
Parvin, H., Goel, P. and Gautam, N.,
"Policies for Testing, Prevention and Treatment of Two-stage Contagious Diseases," Annals of Operations Research, 2012.
Eren, E.C. and Gautam, N., "Efficient Control for a Multi-Product Quasi-Batch Process via Stochastic Dynamic Programming", IIE Transactions, Vol. 43, 192-206, 2011. pdf of main paper, pdf of online supplement
Gautam, N. and Ntaimo, L. "Achieving Energy-Efficiency in Data-Center Industry: A Proactive-Reactive Resource Management Framework", Proc. Of NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, 2011. pdf
Hsu, Y., Ramasamy, S., Abedini, N., Gautam, N., Sprintson, A. and Shakkottai, S. "Opportunities for Network Coding: To Wait or Not to Wait", IEEE Symposium on Information Theory, 2011. pdf Gautam, N., "CTMCs with Costs and Rewards," Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 2011.
Gautam, N., "Definition and Examples of DTMCs," Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 2011.
Gautam, N., "Transient Behavior of DTMCs," Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 2011.
Gautam, N., "The M/G/\infty Queue,"
Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 2011.
Reddy, V., Shakkottai, S., Sprintson, A. and Gautam, N. "Multipath Wireless Network Coding: A Population Game Perspective", Proc. Of IEEE INFOCOM, 2010. pdf
Ko, Y.-M. and Gautam, N., "Epidemic-based Information Dissemination in Wireless Mobile Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Networking, Vol. 18, No. 6, 1738-1751, 2010. pdf
Ko, Y.-M. and Gautam, N., "Transient analysis of queues for peer-based multimedia content delivery," IIE transactions, Vol. 42, No. 12, 881-896, 2010. pdf
Eren, E.C., Dixit, R. and Gautam, N., "A Three-Dimensional Computer Simulation Model Reveals the Mechanisms for Self-Organization of Plant Cortical Microtubules into Oblique Arrays", Molecular Biology of the Cell, Vol. 21, 2674-2684, 2010.
Chen, Y. and Gautam, N., "Server Frequency Control Using Markov Decision Processes", IEEE INFOCOM, 2009. pdf
Gautam, N., "Teaching Courses on Probability and Statistics for Engineers: Classical Topics in the Modern Technological Era," proceedings of ASEE Conference, Austin TX, 2009.
Squillante, M.S., Zhang, Y.Y., Sivasubramaniam, A. and Gautam, N., "Generalized Parallel-Server Fork-Join Queues with Dynamic Task Scheduling," Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 160, No. 1, pp. 227-255, 2008. ps
Curry, G.L. and Gautam, N., "Characterizing the Departure Process From a Two Server Markovian Queue: A Non-renewal Approach," Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference, 2008.
Lee, S., Kumara, S.R.T. and Gautam, N., "Market-Based Model Predictive Control for Large-Scale Information Networks: Completion Time and Value of Solution," IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 4, 630-640, 2008.
Mahabhashyam, S.R., Gautam, N. and S.R.T. Kumara, "Resource-Sharing Queueing Systems with Fluid-Flow Traffic," Operations Research, Vol. 56, No. 3, 728-744, 2008. pdf
Lee, S., Kumara, S.R.T. and Gautam, N., "Self-organizing resource allocation for minimizing completion time in large-scale distributed information networks," Journal of Autonomic and Trusted Computing, 2008 (accepted but never appeared). pdf
Ko, Y.-M., Chamberland, J.-F. and Gautam, N., "Optimal Policies for Control of Peers in Online Multimedia Services," Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Decision and Conteol, 3800-3805, 2007. pdf
Lee, S., Kumara, S.R.T. and Gautam, N., "Efficient scheduling algorithm for component-based networks," Future Generation Computer Systems - The Int. J. Grid Computing: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 23, No. 4, 558-568, 2007.
Qin, W.B., Wang, Q., Chen, Y. and Gautam, N., "A First-Principles Based LPV Modeling and Design for Performance Management of Internet Web Servers", Proceedings of American Control Conference, 2006. pdf
Gautam, N., "Queueing Theory," Operations Research and Management Science Handbook (Ed.: A. Ravindran), 2006. pdf
Jayabalan D., Gautam, N., and Elefteriadou A., "Short-term Direct Travel time Prediction for Freeway Segments," Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, 2006. pdf
Chen, Y., Das, A., Qin, W.B., Sivasubramaniam, A., Wang, Q. and Gautam, N., "Managing Server Energy and Operational Costs in Hosting Centers," ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 33, No. 1, 303-314, 2005. pdf
Gautam, N., "Pricing Issues in Web Hosting Services," Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, Vol. 4, No. 1, 7-23, 2005. pdf
Mahabhashyam, S.R. and Gautam, N., "On Queues with Markov Modulated Service Rates," Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, Vol. 51, No. 1-2, 89-113, 2005. pdf
Sarangan, V., Ghosh, D., Gautam, N. and Acharya, R., "Steady State Distribution for Stochastic Knapsack with Bursty Arrivals", IEEE Communication Letters, Vol. 9, No. 2, 187-189, 2005. pdf
Gnanasambandam, S., Lee, S., Kumara, S.R.T., Gautam, N., Peng, W., Manikonda, V., Brinn, M. and Greaves, M.,"Survivability of a Distributed Multi-Agent Application - A Performance Control Perspective," Proc. of IEEE MASS 2005. pdf
Gnanasambandam, S., Lee, S., Kumara, S.R.T., and Gautam, N. "A Framework for Performance Control of Distributed Autonomous Agents," Proceeding of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, 2005. pdf (Best Paper Award)
Gnanasambandam, S., Lee, S., Kumara, S.R.T., Gautam, N., Peng, W., Manikonda, V., Brinn, M. and Greaves, M.,"An Autonomous Performance Control Framework for Distributed Multi-Agent Systems: A Queueing Theory Based Approach," Proceedings of the AAMAS, 2005. pdf
Venkateswaran, A., Sarangan V., Gautam, N. and Acharya, R. "Impact of Mobility Prediction on the Temporal Stability of MANET Clustering Algorithms," Proceedings of PE-WASUN’05, 2005. pdf
Surana, A., Gautam, N., Kumara, S. and Greaves, M.,"Designing a network infrastructure for survivability of multi-agent systems," Proceedings of IASTED Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, 2005. pdf
Flannery A., Kharoufeh J.P., Gautam, N., and Elefteriadou A., "Queuing Delay Models for Single-lane Roundabouts," Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, Vol. 22, No. 3, 133-150, 2005.
Foster, E.J., Barton, R.R., Gautam, N. and Truss, L.T., "The Process-oriented Multivariate Capability Index," International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 43, No. 10, 2135-2148, 2005. pdf
Hertel, L. and Gautam, N., "A Mathematical Programming Model for Scheduling Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives," Proceeding of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, 2004. pdf (Best Paper Award)
Cherukuri, N., Kandiraju, G., Gautam, N. and Sivasubramaniam, A. "Analytical Model and Performance Analysis of a Network Interface Card," International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 24, No. 3, 179-189, 2004. pdf
Kharoufeh J.P. and Gautam, N., "Deriving Link Travel Time Distributions Via Stochastic Speed Processes," Transportation Science, 97-106, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2004. ps
Gautam, N., "Quality of Service Metrics." Book Chapter in Frontiers in Distributed Sensor Networks (eds. S.S. Iyengar and R.R. Brooks), 2004. pdf
Chen, Y., Das, A., Gautam, N., Wang, Q. and Sivasubramaniam, A., "Pricing-Based Strategies for Autonomic Control of Web Servers with Time-Varying Request Arrivals," Journal of Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence (special issue on Autonomic Computing), Vol. 17, No. 7, 841-854, 2004. pdf
Chen, Y., Das, A., Gautam, N., Wang, Q. and Sivasubramaniam, A., "Pricing and Autonomic Control of Web Servers with Time-Varying Request Patterns," Proc. of ICAC, 2004. ps
Aggarwal, V., Gautam, N., Kumara, S.R.T. and Greaves, M., "Stochastic Fluid Flow Models for Determining Optimal Switching Thresholds with an Application to Agent Task Scheduling," Performance Evaluation, Vol. 59, No. 1, 19-46, 2004. pdf
Mahabhashyam, S.R. and Gautam, N., "Performance Analysis of a Web Server Supporting Multiple Classes of Requests," Proceeding of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, 2004. pdf (Best Paper Award)
Mahabhashyam, S.R. and Gautam, N., "Dynamic Resource Allocation of Shared Data Center Supporting Multiclass Requests," Proc. of ICAC, 2004. ps
Gnanasambandam, S., Lee, S., Gautam, N., Kumara, S.R.T., Peng, W., Manikonda, V., Brinn, M. and Greaves, M.,"Reliable MAS Performance Prediction Using Queueing Models," Proceedings of IEEE MASS 2004. pdf
Aggarwal, V. and Gautam, N., "Fluid models for evaluating threshold-based control policies for survivability of a distributed network," Proc. of Industrial Engineering Research Conference, 2003. pdf
Kapur, A.K., Gautam, N., Brooks, R.R., and Rai, S., "Performance and Design of P2P Networks for Efficient File Sharing," Proc. of Industrial Engineering Research Conference, 2003. pdf
Gautam, N., "Stochastic Models in Telecommunications for Optimal Design, Control and Performance Evaluation," Book Chapter in Handbook of Statistics Vol. 21: Stochastic Processes: Modelling and Simulation (eds. C.R. Rao and D.N. Shanbhag), 2003. pdf
Yacoubi, Y., Emelianenko, M., and Gautam, N., "Pricing in Next Generation Networks: a Queuing Model to Guarantee QoS," Performance Evaluation, Vol. 52, No. 1, 59-84, 2003. pdf (One of top 10 downloads between January and May 2003 from Performance Evaluation web site.)
Kharoufeh J.P. and Gautam, N., "A Fluid Queueing Model for Link Travel Time Moments," Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 51, No. 2, 242-257, 2003. pdf
Cherukuri, N., Kandiraju, G., Gautam, N. and Sivasubramaniam, A. "Queueing Model for Performance Analysis of a Network Interface Card," Proc. of Industrial Engineering Research Conference, 2003. pdf
Zhang, J., Sivasubramaniam, A., Franke, H., Gautam, N., Zhang, Y. and Nagar, S. "Synthesizing Representative I/O Workloads for TPC-H," Proc. of HPCA-10, 2003. pdf
Squillante, M.S., Zhang, Y.Y., Sivasubramaniam, A., Franke, H., Moreira, J. and Gautam, N., "Analytic Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Coscheduling for a Wide Spectrum of Parallel and Distributed Environments," ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 30, No. 1, 43-54, June 2002. pdf
Nagar, S., Liu, C., Kandiraju, G., Sivasubramaniam, A., and Gautam, N., "Incorporating Quality-of-Service in the Virtual Interface Architecture," Proceedings of IPDPS, April 2002. pdf
Gautam, N., "Buffered and Unbuffered Leaky Bucket Policing: Guaranteeing QoS, Design and Admission Control," Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 21, No. 1, 35-63, 2002. pdf
Ramakrishnan, S., Gautam, N., and Wysk,
R.A., "Tunnel Freezing Process with Adaptive Control: A Stochastic
Modeling Approach," Proceeding of the Industrial Engineering
Research Conference, 2002.
Ozmutlu H.C., Gautam, N. and Barton R.R., "Managing End-to-end Network performance via Optimized Monitoring Strategies," Journal of Network and System Management, Special Issue on Management of Converged Networks, Vol. 10, No. 1, 107-126, 2002. pdf
Ozmutlu H.C., Gautam, N. and Barton R.R., "Zone Recovery Methodology for Probe-Subset Selection in End-to-end Network Monitoring," Proceedings of NOMS 2002. pdf
Gautam, N., "Performance Analysis and Optimization of Web Proxy Servers and Mirror Sites," European Journal of Research, Vol. 142, No. 2, 396-418, 2002. pdf
Srinivasan, G., and Gautam, N., "Optimal Location of Web Servers," Proceeding of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, 2002. pdf
Gautam, N., "An Integer Programming Formulation of the Web Server Location Problem," 2002 pdf.
Kapur, A.K., Gautam, N., Brooks, R.R., and Rai, S., "Design, Performance and Dependability of a Peer-to-peer Network Supporting QoS for Mobile Code Applications," Proc. of 10th Intl. Conf. on Telecom. Sys., Modeling and Analysis, 2002. pdf
Gautam, N. and Seshadri, S., "Performance Analysis for E-Business: Impact of Long Range Dependence," Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, 233-253, 2002. pdf
Hong, Y., Gautam, N., Kumara, S.R.T., Surana, A., Gupta, H., Lee, S., Narayanan, V., Thadakamalla, H., Brinn, M. and Greaves, M. "Survivability of Complex System - Support Vector Machine Based Approach," Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE) Conference, 2002. pdf
Lee, S., Gautam, N., Kumara, S.R.T., Hong, Y., Gupta, H., Surana, A., Narayanan, V., Thadakamalla, H., Brinn, M. and Greaves, M. "Situation Identification using Dynamic Parameters in Complex Agent-based Planning Systems, " Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE) Conference, 2002. pdf
Estep, J. and Gautam, N., "Quantitative Models for Performance Enhancement of Information Retrieval from Relational Databases," Proceeding of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, 2001. pdf
Chinnusamy, P. and Gautam, N., "A Quantitative Approach to the Performance of Internet Telephony to E-business Sites," Proceeding of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, 2001. pdf
Gelenbe, E., Srinivasan, V., Seshadri, S. and Gautam, N., "Optimal Policies for ATM Cell Scheduling and Rejection," Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 18, No. 4, 331-358, 2001. pdf
Evans J.L., Elefteriadou A., and Gautam, N., "Probability of Breakdown at Freeway Merges using Markov Chains," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 35, No. 3, 237-254, 2001. pdf
Phoha, S., Gautam, N. and Horn, A., "Tactical Intelligence Tools for Distributed Agile Control of Air Operations," Proceedings of the 2nd DARPA JFACC Symposium on Advances in Enterprise Control, Minneapolis, MN, July 10-11, 2000. pdf
Gautam, N. and Kulkarni, V. G., "Applications of SMP Bounds to Multi-Class Traffic in High-Speed Networks," Queuing Systems: Theory and Applications, Vol. 36, No. 4, 351-379, 2000. pdf
Gautam, N. and Seshadri, S., "Approximations for System Performance under Self-similar Traffic," the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce, 239-250, November 2000. zipped ps
Flannery A., Kharoufeh J.P., Gautam, N., and Elefteriadou A., "Estimating Delay at Roundabouts," Proceedings of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Annual Conference, August 2000. pdf
Gautam, N., "Erlang Distribution: Description and Case Study," Industrial Engineering Applications and Practice: Users Encyclopedia, 1999.
Ozmutlu H.C., Barton R.R., Gautam, N. and Hery, W., "Network Monitoring : Probe-Subset Selection Using the Constrained Coverage Problem," Performance and Control of Network Systems Conference, OPIE, 239-247, Sept. 1999. pdf
Gautam, N., Kulkarni, V. G., Rolski, T., and Palmowski, Z., "Bounds for Fluid Models Driven by Semi-Markov Inputs," Probability in Engineering and Informational Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 4, 429-475, 1999. pdf
Kulkarni, V. G. and Gautam, N., "Admission Control of Multi-Class Traffic with Service Priorities in High-Speed Networks," Queuing Systems: Theory and Applications, Vol 27, No. 1-2, 79-97, 1997. pdf
Kulkarni, V. G. and Gautam, N., "Leaky Buckets: Sizing and Admission Control" (invited paper), Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 785-790, Kobe, Japan, 1996. pdf